Technology & Tools

6. April 2023

Trend 2023: #4 Augmented Workflows

Artificial intelligence (AI) will inevitably pop up when thinking about the future of work. 

19. Mai 2022

Why nudging matters for communication professionals

Using psychological insights to improve people’s decision-making is increasingly popular.

8. April 2022

Trend 2022: #5 Cybersecurity

Due to increased digitalization, remote work, unapproved software in the workplace, and deepfakes, organizations have become more vulnerable.

1. April 2022

Trend 2022: #4 Synthetic Media

Synthetic media provides opportunities for communication managers to explore new creative content and formats

16. Dezember 2021

Tackling negative aspects of virtualization

The ups and downs of a virtual or hybrid work environment internal communication professionals have to face.

15. Dezember 2021

Achieving key goals in a virtual world

Challenges of a virtual or hybrid work environment and how they can be addressed.

4. November 2021

The importance of staying in touch with stakeholders

Susanne Straetmans and Julian Rosenkranz (Pfizer) share their experiences cultivating relationships online.

7. Mai 2021

Trend 2021: #5 Voice Interaction

Reasons why voice interaction is a key trend to watch.

27. April 2021

Trend 2021: #4 Digital Nudging

The concept of nudging has been successfully applied in e-commerce, among others. We believe that also communication departments may benefit from digital nudging.